Thursday, October 22, 2009

iSmell Phone Wars Nearby

     I just saw an interesting commercial while watching the Yankees-Angels game. If you haven't seen it already, the video is below. Motorola bashed on Apple's iPhone, explaining all of the things the iPhone doesn't have, and then claiming that all of those features are implemented in the Droid. Now, obviously Motorola doesn't know what the capabilities of a jailbroken iPhone has, but the Droid may put up a good fight against the iPhone.

Motorola's Droid commercial, running with Verizon.

     Some iPhone fans have responded back to this commercial with their own "commercial" (not aired on T.V.).

     Here is a list of features the Droid will contain:
  • Video
  • Tunes
  • 10,000+ Apps
  • The Network
  • Multitasking
  • High speed
  • Hi-Res
  • 5 megapixels
  • Android 2.0
  • Speech Recognition
  • Notification Panel
  • Directions
(list cited from Quick Pwn)

     Someone pointed out that WiFi is not listed here. A smart phone without WiFi can be a major problem to people. I don't think that the Droid will be able to compete with all of the hype the iPhone has. I don't suggest switching to get the Droid if you have an iPhone already, as it will be the same, and possibly less. If the Droid is up to potential, it will probably be like the Xbox 360 vs. PS3 console wars all over again.

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